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High-angle view of the Colosseum near Rome Luxury Suites

If you’re looking for some respite from the sunshine (or on very rare occasions, the rain), Rome’s cool underground sights are the ideal choice:

  • Book a tour for the lowest level of the Colosseum. Delve into the Colosseum’s underground chambers where you can walk through the maze of subterranean chambers and hear stories about the gruesome gladiator battles (There are a variety of tours available so ask our concierge to help).
  • Head to the high-tech Palazzo Valentini - Multimedia technology has brought archaeological remains back to life reconstructing the missing parts of the buildings. You can explore the Rome of 2000 years ago, guided by Piero Angela’s narrative voice.
  • Descend into the welcoming chill of Basilica di San Clemente: with its underground archaeological complex it is one of the world’s great treasures, a place loved by pilgrims, students of art and visitors from all over the world. Here, as in no other place, one can visit and experience different levels of Rome’s past from the 12th century back to a 1st century Roman house.


Explore Rome’s parks in the late summer and early Autumn:

  • The beautiful Villa Borghese just behind Rome Luxury Suites - top sights in the park include Galleria Borghese and the glorious hilltop Villa Medici.
  • Head to the tree-shaded Palatine if you’re exploring ancient Rome.