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Eventi Stagionali

Eventi Stagionali

Eventi Stagionali


HOLIDAY HAPPENINGS December 8: L'Immacolata, celebrates the immaculate conception, and kickstarts the Christmas season: cue decorations and nativity scenes, including a life-size version at St Peter’s. December 24: There’s a (free) ticketed Midnight Mass on Christmas eve at St Peter’s Basilica. Midnight mass at Santa Maria Maggiore is less busy than St Peter’s, and a great event in a beautiful basilica. December 25: Pope Francis gives his Christmas blessing at noon from the balcony overlooking St Peter’s Piazza. December 8 – January 6: Visit the Christmas market in Piazza Navona with stalls selling sweets and presepe figures. New Year’s Eve: Celebrated with fireworks, usually centered on Circus Maximus, and visible from rooftops such as at Babuino 181. New Year’s Day: At noon is the ‘Tuffo nel Tevere’ - divers dive into the Tiber River. January 6: On Epiphany, the arrival of the Magi (three kings) is celebrated with a medieval parade along Via del Conciliazione carrying gifts for the Pope, who will say a 10am mass in St Peter’s. January 4: Rome’s Retail Sales begin and run till 15th February. February: Carnivale takes place before the start of Lent, usually in February, with costumed parades close to Rome Luxury Suites. WINTER FOOD: White truffles are in season: taste the best at Rome Luxury Suites’ EMME restaurant. Campagna Amica farmers’ market, with foodstuffs and tastings, takes place close to Circus Maximus, from 10.30am to 7pm Saturday and Sunday. Delicious winter produce on the menu includes fennel, radicchio and cavolo nero.
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SPRING EVENTS: Good Friday and Easter Sunday parades (dates variable) plus the Pope’s address on Easter Sunday from a balcony above St Peter’s Square. March 15: Beware the Ides of March: every year on this date Rome reenacts the assassination of Julius Caesar, at the Largo di Torre Argentina, site of his murder. April: Festa di Primavera in marks the arrival of spring with pots of hot-pink azaleas ablaze on the Spanish Steps. April 21: Rome celebrates its birthday with parades of photogenic gladiators and toga-clad Romans. It starts at Circo Massimo, and makes a circuit around Ancient Rome via the Colosseum. April 25: Festa della Liberazione celebrates the liberation of Italy post WWII, with parades and music on. May 1: The traditional free May Day concert takes place on, at either San Giovanni or Circus Maximus.   SPRING SPORTS: Six Nations Rugby games take place in March in Stadio Olimpico, a short hop from Rome Luxury Suites. Rome Marathon: The world’s most scenic marathon route takes place in Rome in March, winding through the historic centre of Rome. Let us advise you on the best viewing spots. Italian Open: Tennis’s biggest stars come to Rome in May, at Foro Italico, an easy trip from Rome Luxury Suites.   SPRING FOOD: Seasonal produce to taste include Lazio’s splendid artichokes, fave (broad beans) and zucchini flowers, strawberries and cherries. Campagna Amica farmers’ market takes place 10.30am to 7pm Saturday and Sunday by Circus Maximus.
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SUMMER HAPPENINGS: June – August: Rome’s lovely summer riverside festival, Lungo il Tevere, is clustered around Tiberina Island in summer, with stalls, music, food and events. June 2: Republic Day celebrating the birth of the Italian Republic in 1946. There’s a wreath laid at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier and a military parade along Via dei Fori Imperiali. June to early August: Rome Summer Fest (Estate Romana) takes place with performances in spectacular venues. June: Rock in Roma headlines with superstar acts at venues including Circus Maximus and the Campanelle Racecourse, both in easy reach of Rome Luxury Suites. July: Feast of Noantri (of ‘the others’) takes place in July in Trastevere, with religious parades and marching bands. August 15: The national holiday of Ferragosto takes place on the feast of the Assumption. The Vatican Museums are closed but other sites remain open. August: Longines Global Champions Show Jumping takes place in Circus Maximus   SUMMER FOOD: Stone fruits such as peaches, nectarines, apricots are at their finest in summer. Other fruits include melon, watermelon and figs. Summer vegetables include aubergine (eggplant), peppers, and tomatoes. Porchetta (roasted deboned pork stuffed with herbs) and lamb are seasonal meats on local menus.
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FALL EVENTS: October: The Rose Garden of Rome opens for the fall blooms for about two weeks in October. September to November: Romeuropa Festival runs with many events taking place outdoors, such as at the outdoor amphitheatre at Parco della Musica or the piazza at MAXXI contemporary art museum. October: A great time of year to visit and see Autumn colour along the Appian Way, the ancient Roman Road to the northeast of the city; our concierge can help you to arrange your visit. November 1: All Saints’ Day is celebrated with the Pope reciting the Angelus prayer on St Peter’s Square at noon. The Vatican Museums are closed. November: Rome’s Jazz Festival takes place with performances at Auditorium and Casa del Jazz.   FALL FOOD In season are funghi, truffles, radicchio, pumpkin and broccoletti. Campagna Amica Market Rome’s finest farmers’ market takes place 10.30am to 7pm Saturday and Sunday by Circus Maximus.
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